list of classical problems

10575    The Yellow Brick Road YELBRICK 1271 49.38
10576    Exclusive Security EXCLSEC 96 26.06
10579    Desrugenstein DESRUG 116 48.64
10581    Ball Stacking Again BALLSAG 151 31.26
10582    subarrays ARRAYSUB 9288 34.32
10585    Searching God SEAGOD 82 26.37
10586    Problems in Moria PROBMOR 29 28.70
10587    Enemies ENEM 35 34.07
10588    Portal PORTALUN 107 34.89
10589    King KING 65 28.00
10594    Decoding Number Stations with Dr Whooves PONY2 58 26.56
10596    Monkey and apples MON2012 162 17.43
10605    Counting Formations FORMAT1 14 56.41
10606    Balanced Numbers BALNUM 506 25.87
10607    Delivery TWODEL 34 27.36
10608    Unique Strings UNICA 65 47.46
10611    Ranges RRANGE 168 19.44
10612    Funny Areas FUNAREA 89 32.79
10620    KNJIGE KNJIGE 1440 44.33
10621    MONO MONO 22 16.44
10622    DIFERENCIJA DIFERENC 425 41.48
10623    ZNANSTVENIK ZNANSTVE 250 30.43
10639    The Blind Passenger MYQ1 1989 44.70
10640    The Wild Wizard MYQ2 96 26.68
10641    The Dating Dress Problem MYQ3 38 23.96
10643    The Nerd Factor MYQ5 203 47.01
10644    Serve The Street MYQ6 134 25.25
10645    The Rail Network Renovation MYQ7 94 33.85
10646    The National Game MYQ8 48 29.50
10647    Divide And Conquer MYQ9 11 19.35
10648    DUGDUG DUGDUG 48 25.63
10649    Mirror Number MYQ10 168 21.29
10667    PASIJANS FLLM 65 47.85
10675    GENIJALAC IWGBST 46 50.52
10676    0110SS IWGBS 1747 41.13
10677    Joseph’s Problem NAGAY 153 49.88
10683    DRIVE BYTESB 1 2.50
10699    Symmetry SYM12 26 36.63
10701    The Lazy Gamer MYQ11 16 13.61
10704    The Great Escape MYQ12 33 28.73
10707    Count on a tree II COT2 2923 18.77
10711    VUK NAGAY1 181 52.82
10712    Easy Calculation TRIGALGE 1362 35.76
10725    String Subsequence STRSEQ 72 17.29
10730    Michel and the championship CHAMPS 115 11.26
10738    Ra-One Numbers RAONE 1541 33.82
10790    G-One Numbers GONE 2126 48.21
10798    Wachovia Bank WACHOVIA 3825 46.87
10799    Happiness at the lowest cost RS2D 12 4.84
10800    GAME GAMECG 21 12.64
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